With snow thick on the ground, many think it would be better to spend all the time indoors. However, a cold wintry day may be the right time to roll out those Greenville, SC BBQ smokers. Many people have long realized the fun of having a mid-winter barbecue, as evidenced by the fact that two-thirds of grill owners attest that they grill the whole year round. However, you can’t just fire up those BBQ grills in Greenville, SC homes without some preparation. A successful winter barbecue needs some preparation. First, you’ll need some additional items. Some examples of what you need are outdoor patio heaters to ensure your guests don’t crowd around the grill for heat, some lights so that you can see what you’re cooking, and benches to gather your friends around the smoky grill. You can get some of these accessories from shops like Buchanan Fire and Outdoor. Be sure you have your equipment ready beforehand so you don’t take your attention away from your grilling task.